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Classes Completed 

Spring 2017

DIVERSITY ISSUES IN HUMAN SERVICES his course serves as an introduction to multicultural helping. The influence of socio-identities (e.g., race, ethnicity, religion, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation) on individuals' functioning, concerns, and the helping process will be explored. 

RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY An examination of the principles of psychological research. Experimental design and interpretation are stressed. The student learns to locate and read technical articles and to report his or her own research in the style of the American Psychological Association. 

COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY This course focuses on behavioral prevention and intervention efforts targeting social problems. The goal is to understand how to design and evaluate such programs. Topics vary, but include an emphasis on public health and safety issues. Individual and group behavior change, and cultural design, are each considered when targeting problems.


TECHNOLOGY AND YOUR WORLD An overview of the resources and systems of technology. Emphasis is on impacts that technology has on individuals and their careers. Activities explore the evolution of technology, its major systems and their impact on individuals and their careers.

Fall 2016

QUANTITATIVE METHODS The application of statistical principles to psychological research problems, including an introduction to the principles of experimental design

THEORIES OF PERSONALITY A study of the structure of personality and the dimensions along which individuals differ. The contributions of major personality theorists and the implications of current research are considered.


PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS An examination of the history, theory and applications of psychological testing.

PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY An investigation of the biological bases of behavior including mental illness, motivation, learning, memory and language. 

Summer 2016

INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN HISTORY This course offers students a critical approach to interpreting the history of the United States. A fast-paced survey of American history from the era of colonization to the present, it focuses on the major intellectual, religious, social, cultural, political, environmental, and scientific developments that have influenced the development of the United States.

Spring 2016

INTRO TO HUMAN SERVICES Students will learn about human services, the helping process, and the role and function of the human service worker. Students will be exposed to local and state human services facilities.


PSYCHOLOGY OF ADOLESCENCE A survey of the processes of development during adolescence. Covers topics such as the influences of biological, emotional, social, and cognitive factors on personality development and adjustment of the adolescent.


PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN An examination of the major determinants of the psychology of women from theoretical, biological, interpersonal and sociocultural perspectives. 


HUMAN COGNITION An investigation of the ways in which people learn and think. Current models of human memory and cognition are considered in relation to the evidence on human thinking capabilities. The role of language in thought and knowledge acquisition is also explored

Fall 2015

VOICE AND DICTION An introduction to the analysis and practice of effective voice and articulation. Applications across various communication contexts, such as public communication, media, and social communication.


ENGLISH COMPOSITION 2 This course emphasizes critical reading, thinking, and writing. Students are introduced to principles of analysis and argumentation and taught the requisite skills that will allow them properly to paraphrase, summarize, and synthesize research in the common modes of academic writing. The course culminates in the preparation of a fully-documented research paper.


INTRODUCTORY OCEANOGRAPHY and LAB This course emphasizes geology and chemistry covering the formation and constitution of the earth and the ocean basins. Laboratory emphasizes practice of basic scientific methods. Knowledge of the metric system, scientific notation, ratio and proportion, and graphing is required.

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY The behavior of the individual as affected by other people and groups. Interpersonal attraction, attitude change, group dynamics, and the application of psychology to social problems are among the topics covered.


HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY This course examines how psychological states (e.g., anxiety, stress) influence physical health. The course also examines how physical states (e.g., illness, pain, injury) influence psychological health. Topics include the impact of stress on health and proneness to illness; coping with illness, injury and trauma; and the role of health-enhancing behaviors in maintaining physical health. 

Spring 2015

INTRO TO THE VISUAL ARTS An introduction to the various media, techniques, styles, content, and contexts in the visual arts as they are manifested in the world's cultures.

ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 the principal objective of the course is to prepare students to be effective writers of the kinds of compositions they will be called on to produce during their college careers. By the end of the course, students should be more mature in their understanding and use of language, should develop efficient writing processes, and should know and demonstrate the qualities of effective composition in each rhetorical situation. 


INTRODUCTION TO ETHICS An introduction to the study of ethics through philosophical reflection on a variety of moral issues of contemporary significance. Topics covered will vary by semester and instructor, and may include issues drawn from professional fields such as business, medicine, and information technology, plus matters of public concern like the environment, the treatment of animals, the use of military force, social justice, and civil and human rights.


INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY-an introduction to the scientific study of psychology, including the methods used to gather and interpret data. The student is introduced to fundamental terms, theories, and concepts dealing with the biological bases of behavior; learning; perception; cognition and intelligence; personality; psychological disorders; human development; and social processes. An emphasis is placed on application of concepts and critical thinking.


ELEMENTARY STATISTICS A general probability and statistics course designed specifically to accommodate the needs of school teachers and health professionals. Topics include: descriptive statistics, basic probability, discrete random variables, continuous random variables, interval estimation, regression and correlation, hypothesis testing, and applications.

Fall 2014

GENERAL BIOLOGY I and LAB An introduction to the process of science, biological molecules, cell biology, metabolism, molecular biology, and Mendelian genetics.

INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE This course shows the general student how to understand the distinctive forms and meanings of poems, plays, short stories and fiction, and key notions such as character, plot, and imagery. Through critical reading, analysis, class and small group discussions, formal essays and examinations, students will develop an understanding of the effective use of the English language and its contribution to our cultural heritage. Works include women and minority writers.


CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY This course provides a basic topical introduction to human and cultural geography. It focuses on the diversity of human societies, their distribution, characteristics, and cultural impact on the landscape. Topics include the geography of population, migration, language, religion, economic development, urbanization, resources, and the political landscape.


COLLEGE ALGEBRA A basic course in algebra that emphasizes applications and problem-solving skills. Topics include finding solutions, graphing of linear equations and inequalities, graphs and functions, combining polynomials and polynomial functions, factoring polynomials, simplifying and combining rational expressions and equations, simplifying roots and radicals, solving radical equations, and an introduction to quadratic functions and equations.


CAREER EXPLORATION A systematic exploration of individual interests and skills and career resources. Emphasis is placed on defining goals and developing strategies to achieve goals. Career testing and individual conferences are included.

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